Jesus' Opening Remarks!


Question: According to Matthew in the New Testament, if my eye offends me, I’m to gouge it out and cast it aside, (Matt. 5:27-29)!


Many comments and lessons were stated by Jesus to draw attention to the impossibility of much action!

IMO, in many cases, He was leading towards a solution which God the Father had prepared, and which with the slowness, and resistant humans He was trying to reach; needed a dramatic opening statement!

A glaring example is that of the “Chosen People”!

It is important to see and know what is meant in this example; and, even though most Churches will deny this truth, Jesus was sent “only the lost of the children of Israel” (Matt.15:24) Initially!

God the Father had been striving with them since He Bonded with them in the 1st. Covenant; and which they said they would honour in response to Him!

As Malachi so clearly shows, Israel reneged repeatedly on their Word to Him; and He therefore made a way out for them in the Body and Sacrifice of Christ Jesus Messiah; and as Paul clearly stated; they were the first priority (initially)!

All they had to do was accept Jesus as Messiah, and their sins and sinning would be forgiven; and Israel would have become “A Kingdom of priests unto God”; with Christ Jesus ruling from Jerusalem!

As Acts 28:25–28 shows, the great Apostle Paul, under instruction from Christ Jesus, enacted the prophecy of Isa. 6:9–10; which put the nation of Israel into the position of “Lo-Ammi” (not My people); in which state they will remain in until the events of Zech.12:10 are enacted; which will coincide with the prophecy of Rom. 11:25–27; and the Gentile number will be completed!

Then the Israel remnant will be “saved” by Almighty God Himself (Ezek. 39:21–29)!

So it is seen, that a statement made by Jesus, has a far reaching effect; and that means that there is much yet to happen for us all to see and understand; with great JOY!


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